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You can download filtered query data to Excel that includes:

  • query
  • impressions
  • average ranking
  • click through rate

You can filter by (or include):

  • device:
    • desktop
    • mobile
    • tablet
  • data source
    • Google Search Console
    • Google Analytics
  • query segment or filter:
    • all queries
    • queries that match a report segment
    • queries that match a custom filter
  • date range

You can download all queries or can filter the queries by either a query segment or a custom filter and can choose any date range for the data.

In addition to segmenting queries for ongoing SEO monitoring, you may also want to generate one-time reports that segment query data. These reports can be useful for analysis or investigation, such as:

  • Should we expand a particular topic area?
  • We’ve done keyword research for a topic. What queries in the set do we already get traffic for?
  • We want to write more articles about a particular topic. What kinds of questions are our audiences asking about?

To generate an Excel file with granular query data:

  1. Click the Tools menu in the left sidebar navigation and then click Filter and Download Queries or choose Filter and Download Queries from the Query Details report.
  2. Choose the query source(s):
    • Google Search Console
    • Google Analytics
  3. Choose which queries to include:
    • All – all queries
    • Segment – queries that match a defined query segment
    • Custom Filter – queries that match a custom filter (you can choose from an existing one or create a new one as described below)
  4. Choose which devices to include:
    • Desktop
    • Mobile
    • Tablet
  5. Select the date range (a day, week, month, or custom range).
  6. Click the Filter and Download Queries button.

You can navigate to another section of Keylime Toolbox or can close the browser window. When the Excel file is ready, the system will send you an email. In addition, once the file is ready, you’ll see a download link at the top of the Keylime Toolbox page (even if you closer the browser window and open it again later).

Creating a Custom Filter

You can generate an Excel file with queries that match a custom filter. Once you’ve created a custom filter, the system saves it so you can use the filter again later.

  1. From the Filter and Download Queries tool, click New Custom Filter under Step 2.
    Filtering Queries
  2. Name the filter.
  3. Set up the filter using regular expressions as described in our segmentation guide. You can also exclude already-defined segments by choosing them from the Exclusion menu.
  4. Click Test to see the types of queries that are included and excluded based on your filter and make any needed adjustments.

Comparing Date Ranges or Devices

To compare data for two date ranges or two device types, generate two separate reports (one for each date range or devices), then use Excel’s VLOOKUP functionality to combine the files.

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